Samstag, 28. September 2024

Oktoberfest: Square concert with Bavarian anthem

Munich Oktoberfest - Sunday, September 29, 2024: THE HIGHLIGHT is the outdoor concert by the Wiesn bands and traditional costume clubs

Munich: Second Oktoberfest weekend with a concert at the Bergfest - the Bavarian anthem is sung - the text can be practiced below!

Sunday, September 29th at 11 a.m. - concert by the Wiesn bands and traditional costume clubs on the steps in front of the Bavaria

Munich. Sunday, September 29th at 11 a.m. there will be a lot of fun on the Theresienwiese! When hundreds of musicians get started at the Wiesnwirte concert. Traditionally, the popular, large square or stand concert of the Oktoberfest hosts takes place on the second Sunday of the Oktoberfest - the mountain festival. The prominent conductor is a surprise guest. At the foot of the Bavaria, all the bands in all the festival tents perform and play a unique concert. Many traditional costume clubs will provide Oktoberfest visitors with a completely free eye-candy event! Many a photo from the Bavarian capital via Whatsapp will also delight loved ones in distant countries.


Welcome to Oktoberfest 2024 - Entrance to the Oktoberfest in Munich, photo: Helga Waess


PLEASE arrive IN TIME if you want to be in the front seats

Maybe you should practice again if you want to sing along loudly with our Bavarian anthem at the spectacular conclusion of the open-air concert on Sunday. But: the whole country can be there on TV at the Oktoberfest on Sunday, because: Bavarian television and Munich TV are broadcasting the open-air concert feet of Bavaria.

Official version / text of the Bavarian anthem

1st verse:

Gott mit dir, du Land der Bayern,

deutsche Erde, Vaterland!

Über deinen weiten Gauen

ruhe Seine Segenshand!

|: Er behüte deine Fluren,

schirme deiner Städte Bau

Und erhalte dir die Farben

Seines Himmels, weiß und blau! :|

2. Strophe:

Gott mit dir, dem Bayernvolke,

dass wir, uns’rer Väter wert,

fest in Eintracht und in Frieden

bauen uns’res Glückes Herd!

|: Dass mit Deutschlands Bruderstämmen

einig uns ein jeder schau

und den alten Ruhm bewähre

unser Banner, weiß und blau! :|


Official version / text of the Bavarian anthem in English

 (only the German version is sung at the Oktoberfest concert and in Bavaria in general -  anyone who knows Munich and Bavaria knows how the poet of the anthem thought and felt.) 

1st verse:

God be with you, you land of Bavaria,

German earth, fatherland!

Over your wide horizons

rest His blessing hand!

|: He guards your fields,

protect the construction of your cities

And get the colors

His sky, white and blue! :|


2nd verse:

God be with you, the Bavarian people,

that we, worthy of our fathers,

firmly in unity and in peace

build the hearth of our happiness!

|: That with Germany's brother tribes

everyone agrees

and prove the old glory

our banner, white and blue! :|


The art culture blog from Munich wishes all guests who will be there on Sunday a beautiful, peaceful and fun Oktoberfest and a great stay in Bavaria.

A few more photo impressions from the Munich Oktoberfest

Bavaria in front of the Hall of Fame - high above the Theresienwiese in Munich, photo: Waess (press archive - art culture blog)


View from Bavariasockel into Wiesnstrasse at Oktoberfest - Photo: Helga Waess


Paulaner marquee - Photo: Helga Waess

Rides on the Oktoberfest meadow - Photo Helga Waess

Hearty Bavarian delicacies: Haxn, Nuremberg Rostbratwürstl on cabbage, Kasspatzl, Hendl and always dumplings - photo Helga Waess

No visit to Oktoberfest without a souvenir - the Wiesn-Herzl are always popular, photo: Helga Waess