Donnerstag, 29. August 2024

Oktoberfest collector's beer mug 2024

Oktoberfest beer mug 2024

The cabaret artist Stefan Kröll presented the official collector's mug for the Oktoberfest 2024 today at the "Oktoberfest construction site" in the almost finished crossbow rifle tent

The state capital Munich opens the 189th Oktoberfest in 21 days - September 21st to October 6th, 2024


Munich, Theresienwiese.
Today the official beer mug for Oktoberfest 2024 was presented in the Armbrustschützenzelt. Oktoberfest boss Clemens Baumgärtner had invited and everyone was there: Oktoberfest hosts and city councilors and even the Münchner Kindl. The new motif takes up everything about the Münchner Kindl. It's always an event when a new collector's jug costs € 29.50 without a pewter lid and € 49,- with a pewter lid. As a graphic designer, Annika Mittelmaier came up with this beautiful motif, which will attract worldwide attention in the next few weeks - because a collector's mug is always a nice souvenir for those who stay at home. Franziska Inselkammer, born in 2003 as a Munich child, is looking forward to the Krug and the Oktoberfest 2024 in three weeks.

Collector's mug Oktoberfest 2024 - Wiesnkrug 2024 - a unique piece from Rastal


The official collector's mug of the state capital Munich for Oktoberfest 2024 is strictly limited every year and comes from Rastal

Anyone who has collected all the clay jugs - Keferloher - will be happy about the new one and with the new gray stoneware will pass on a tradition that is over 100 years old and is traditionally Bavarian.


Oktoberfest boss Clemens Baumgärtner described the motif of the mug:

 “The mug with the winning motif embodies the tradition and modernity of the Oktoberfest, exudes unconditional joy of life and at the same time is an invitation to the whole world to celebrate Oktoberfest with us in Munich.

The Oktoberfest jugs come from the Rastal company in Höhr-Grenzhausen/Westerwald

The collector's mugs are strictly limited and cost as much

  •     Standard beer jug ​​costs 29.50 euros, with a tin lid 49 euros.

The collector's mug 2024 can be purchased via the
  •     Oktoberfest shop,
  •     in the souvenir goods trade on the Oktoberfest meadow
  •     and about Munich Tourism in the town hall
  •     or Munich Tourism and can be purchased at the main train station.