Freitag, 9. August 2024

Wolfsburg: “50 years of Scirocco” at the Sachsen Classic Rally 2024

Anniversary: ​​Wolfsburg celebrates “50 years of Scirocco”


Fast as the wind: The Scirocco, a fast North German sports car, is taking part in the 21st Saxony Classic Rally and is 50 years old


 The Autostadt in Wolfsburg is celebrating “50 Years of Scirocco” at the Saxony Classic Rally 2024 from August 15th to 17th - together with 160 teams in their classic cars


Northern Germany - Wolfsburg - Osnabrück. Volkswagen is once again honoring an anniversary: ​​For the 50th anniversary of the Scirocco, everything is being prepared in the ZeitHaus in Wolfsburg, because the contemporary witness is supposed to go to the rally route of the Sachsen Classic Rallye (August 15th to 17th, 2024). What about the Scirocco, which took to the streets as a sporty, young guy from Wolfsburg? Volkswagen had previously produced the VW Karmann-Ghia (built from 1955 to 1974), an affordable sports car that was intended to be an alternative to the expensive Porsche. - By the way, there are still around 16 examples of the Karmann-Ghia convertible in existence today. But then a car came along that successfully won the hearts of driving license holders who had the right wallet: the year was 1974, more precisely in February of that year when the Scirocco arrived at VW car dealerships - that was a whole three months before the presentation of golf. Golfers from back then still remember that the Scirocco would have been nice too. VW also had this vehicle developed by Karmann in Osnabrück. A sports coupé measuring 3,850 millimeters in length and 1,310 millimeters in height. When empty, the vehicle weighed 800 kilograms. A fast North German sports car!


Wolfsburg, VW factory - photographed from the passenger seat, photo: Helga Waess

The Scirocco

 When the hot wind called Scirocco blows across the Mediterranean from the Sahara over the French coast, you know it's going to be stormy because the speed of the wind makes everything fly away. The new VW Scirocco seemed so quick to the developers when it was introduced.  

The wind from Wolfsburg at the Sachsen Classic Rally 2024 from August 15th to 17th

At the 21st Saxony Classic Rally, which will take place from August 15th to 17th, 2024, the Autostadt in Wolfsburg will be at the start with two of the anniversary vehicles:

  •     The 1977 Scirocco I GLI has a 1.6 liter injection engine with 110 hp. A total of 504,153 vehicles were built by him from 1974 to 1981. They were the cornerstone of the series' success.
  •     The Scirocco II GT II (1992) from the ZeitHaus collection is the second classic to take to the rally route through Saxony. It was produced from 1981 to 1992. Design, comfort and technology had been optimized and then there was the 1.8 liter displacement with an output of 95 hp. A total of 291,497 vehicles rolled off the assembly line.

The Volkswagen Group supports the Sachsen Classic, in which around 160 teams start. It is a consistency and reliability rally in which only automobiles up to a maximum of 2003 are permitted.

The Autostadt not only reminds us of the importance of the “desert wind” for automobile history, but also allows the Scirocco feeling to flourish again in Saxony.


The 21st Saxony Classic Rally 2024

  •     It starts on August 15th in Zwickau: On the way, each team has to pass different special tests with their vehicle - for example on the Grand Prix track of the Sachsenring. The Zwickauer Platz der Völkerfreundschaft is the destination for the afternoon.
  •     The stage on August 16th leads via Torgau to Leipzig.
  •     The third, final stage leads to several special stages around Leipzig on Saturday.

     Finish line from 3:45 p.m. at Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz.