Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2024

Munich: Pasinger Vorwiesn, the anticipation for Oktoberfest is increasing

Celebration tip: Munich has a Vorwiesn in Pasing - looking forward to the Oktoberfest

The “Pasinger Vorwiesn” in the west of the Bavarian capital offers a small foretaste of the big Munich Oktoberfest from July 24th and 28th, 2024

Vorwiesn in Pasing - July 24th and 28th, 2024 - Oktoberfest countdown: 58 days until the 189th Munich Oktoberfest

Munich. Folk festival in the west of Munich: Munich is not just a city, Munich is a festival! At the moment, for example, the Pasinger Vorwiesn invites you to the Vorwiesn on the Volksfestplatz. The large marquee, delicacies stalls and rides such as a carousel for children are worth a tour of the Oktoberfest. But what would a folk festival in Bavaria be without the famous Munich beer. For this purpose, a large festival tent was set up in which the beer is served with live music and a folk festival atmosphere. There is space for over 2,100 guests here and they can enjoy the local delicacies at the table. Various bands and freshly tapped festival beer get the crowd in the mood.


The music is coming! as they say here ..., Photo: Helga Waess (archive)



So off to the Pasinger Vorwiesn 

and soak up the marquee atmosphere before it arrives 

58 days on September 21st on the Theresienwiese means: 

O'zapft is!

Typically Bavarian: the pretzels!

Riesenbrezel (Brezn') gehört zum Festbier, Foto: Helga Waess (Archiv)


Typisch Münchner Oktoberfest - wenn die Musik spielt geht es auf die Tische!

Im Oktoberfestzelt wird bei einer frischen Maß zünftig gefeiert! , Foto: Helga Waess (Archiv)